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Best in Class
The PROPRIO® Reactive Balance Systems, which include the PROPRIO® 3000 and PROPRIO® 5000 models, are the most advanced, versatile, and affordable machines in the marketplace for the assessment, measurement, and training of neurologic, orthopedic, or vestibular issues affecting dynamic stability, posture, strength, and mobility.


What makes the PROPRIO® Reactive Balance Systems better than other equipment in the marketplace is the unique way that it measures and trains.


Using Dynamic Motion Analysis to measure the user’s center of mass movement and a computerized, programmable, multi-directional, multi-speed platform for both reactive and anticipatory training, the PROPRIO® Reactive Balance Systems better assesses, rehabilitates, and trains balance and proprioception.


About Dynamic Motion Analysis™
Research has shown “that measurement of trunk movements provides a considerably better diagnostic yield than assessment of lower-leg postural responses.” (Allum et. al. 2001)


Using ultrasonic technology, the PROPRIO® Reactive Balance Systems quantify trunk movement in six degrees of freedom – lateral, up/down, anterior/posterior, rotation, flexion/extension, and lateral flexion. A sensor placed on the lumbosacral joint, L5-S1, measures trunk movement and displays real-time feedback during training.


Each user’s data of postural control and trunk movement may be saved and compared with previous sessions giving the user and clinician a very accurate picture of progress. By displaying or printing the data, the clinician can give immediate feedback and instruct the patient on proper body kinematics and alignment.


About the Reactive Platform
The PROPRIO® Reactive Balance Systems use a computer controlled, multi-directional platform to challenge balance and reaction ability of key muscle groups. Using Dynamic Range of Motion (D-ROM) technology, the platform can generate perturbations to provide variable surface movement requiring the user to interact with their environment. Our proprietary D-ROM technology and software allows programming for predictable motion, random motion, variable speeds, and adjustable degrees of motion.

Because the platform’s degree of tilt, direction of tilt, and speed of tilt is fully programmable, both low level functioning patients and world class athletes benefit. Since the clinician is controlling the platform, it provides a safe, controlled, and comfortable exercise without the risk of injury that can occur with free motion types of balance trainers.


About Dynamic Stability
Dynamic Stability is the ability to maintain one’s center of mass over the body’s support area during movement and changing sensory environments. In other words, when we walk, run, and play sports, we’re using our dynamic stability. While most of us take these functions for granted, falls, traumatic brain injuries, developmental and acquired disabilities, and aging can degrade dynamic stability compromising our quality of life.

And while professional, recreational, and weekend warrior athletes move and play better than most of us, they can perform their sports at a higher level by improving their dynamic balance by training on perturbed surfaces.

Dynamic Stability requires appropriate use of the following systems and their functions :

  • Somatosensory System

  • Vestibular System

  • Visual System

  • Central Nervous System

  • Neuromuscular System

  • Musculoskeletal System


People with neurologic, orthopedic, or vestibular deficits resulting in dysfunction of these systems may exhibit sensorimotor, biomechanical, or sensory integration issues affecting balance, posture, and mobility.

The PROPRIO® Reactive Balance Systems will identify and train how well a person maintains their center of mass as they react to a moving platform.


About Proprioception
As a fundamental component in the precise performance of the human body, the highly sophisticated balance-control mechanism is essential to effective human movement. And quality of movement is equally as critical as strength of movement. The key to quality of movement is proprioception.

Proprioception is the sense of body joint position. Our brains receive information from mechano-receptors which assist us in knowing where our limbs are in space without the use of vision. There’s a reason that the police have you close your eyes and touch your nose during a field sobriety test. Well, not exactly you.

Along with our vision and vestibular systems, proprioception helps us maintain our balance and protects joints in environments with excessive movement. After an injury, repaired tissue is never the same as it was prior to injury. Because nerve fibers and receptors do not regenerate, we may lose our sense of joint position. Joints unprotected by adequate proprioception are at greater risk of re-injury.

The PROPRIO® Reactive Balance Systems provide reactive training that improves the dynamic muscular stabilization of body joints in regard to both position and movement. With training, functional stability around the joint and improved muscle control are restored.


Proprio® Test and Reports
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In addition to being able to create customized training protocols based on user needs, a standardized pre-programmed “PROPRIO® Test” will generate an individual score and comprehensive Dynamic Motional Analysis reports. We firmly believe that to maximize the results of a rehabilitation or sports medicine program, a PROPRIO® Test should be given immediately.

Every patient with a neurological or orthopedic injury should start their rehabilitation with a PROPRIO® Test to establish a baseline. Every professional and collegiate athlete returning from the off-season should have a PROPRIO® Test. And, every recreational athlete starting a strength and conditioning program should begin with a PROPRIO® Test.

Beginning in July 2009, a user’s PROPRIO® Test data can be compared with normative data to other tested individuals classified by a number of the following criteria:

  • Gender

  • Age

  • Weight

  • Height

No other machines can be used with as wide a user group as the PROPRIO® Reactive Balance Systems. Because the platforms are fully controlled by the clinician, weight-bearing, closed-chain rehabilitation can begin sooner because the fear of further injury caused by unwanted platform movement is removed. Users regularly report their rehabilitation is fun on the PROPRIO® machines and they look forward to their session. Who knew we were in the business of fun?

Application Conditions include:

  • Orthopedic Conditions – ACL, knee and ankle injuries, hip and knee replacements, shoulder and back injuries

  • Neurological Conditions – Vestibular disease, stroke, diabetic neuropathy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson Disease, Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy

  • Geriatric Conditions – Osteoarthritis, age related disease, and fall prevention

Applications include:

  • Balance evaluation

  • Balance training

  • Proprioception training

  • Body control and posture training

  • Weight bearing range of motion exercises

  • Core strengthening

  • Stabilization muscles strengthening

  • Functional / Activities of Daily Living training

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PROPRIO® is a Registered Trademark of Perry Dynamics, Inc.
the PROPRIO® figure indicia and the website are ©Copyright 2017 Perry Dynamics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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